Guidelines for Dancers
Guidelines have been drawn up for the Branch, based specifically on the guidelines from the RSCDS and Sport Scotland, as dancing is considered to be a “contact sport”. All dancers must also abide by the current national guidelines from the Scottish Government.
The following are the points you need to adhere to:-
MASKS – There is no need to wear masks when dancing, BUT you are encouraged to wear a mask when you arrive and leave the hall, and when you are NOT dancing.
2. ATTENDANCE REGISTER – On arrival at the hall, attendances will be recorded. The Branch will hold details of all attendees as required by the current regulations. We now need to ensure these are up to date, in particular phone numbers and mobile phone numbers. The Secretary will be checking with everyone for any changes to the records currently held by the Branch. New dancers attending will be required to leave details including a contact number.
3. NIGHTLY SUBSCRIPTIONS – Dancers should bring the correct money to put in a box on arrival.
4. HYGIENE – Everyone should wash hands and/or sanitize them during the dance session. You can bring your own, but the Branch will provide hand sanitiser, as well as wipes.
5. VENTILATION – We need to make sure the hall is well ventilated, so windows or doors may need to stay open. We would therefore advise you to bring warm clothes for any periods when you are not dancing.
6. REFRESHMENTS – Everyone should bring their own water if required. .